Friday, September 08, 2006

Derek and I went to SportChek the other night to buy a tennis raquet. While we were checking out, I notcied the nalgene rack so I took a gander. Maybe it's been out for a while now but they have this new sippy cup type thing for toddlers. A Nalgene sippy cup (or it's true name 'Gulp N Go'). My first thought was "how dumb is that" then quickly it changed to "I want one". Since I then discovered that was for toddlers and not big people, I couldn't justify the buy. But I have not discovered that Nalgene has a similar type bottle for us big kids. It is called the Nalgene OTG and I kind of want one. Everyday I sti at my desk with my $1 target "nalgene" water bottle and the lid stays open so that I can continually drink from a starw that I have placed inside. This is just begging for disaster around my computer and several important papers each day. So maybe one day soon I will have to go to MEC or Sportchek or one of those other stores and buy one!

Yesterday my boss brought the 3 of us in the office flowers as a thank you and appreciation for the work we've been doing. It has been a crazy week or orientation and dealing with new students. It was so nice to recieve these flowers. And eventhough they are for the 3 of us, I decided to keep them on my desk :)

Last night when I got home I had a message on our answering machine saying that I had won a contest I entered online. I entered on a radio station's website to win tickets to see the premiere of "The Last Kiss" staring Zach Braff. I won a double pass to go see it this coming Wednesday night at the Paramount Theatre downtown Vancouver. Yay! I am very excited about this. Not only is it fun that I won something, but because movies are so expensive to go see here we never go. All around this is a pretty sweet treat. Thanks Z95.3!!


Amber said...

Yay for free tickets!! How much do they cost up there in Canada? And about these sippy cups for kids, what's so special about them? I'm slightly interested in knowing more :-) but glad that you got your own big kid cup too!!

Anonymous said...

I'm jealous...I LOVE Zach Braff!

Lara said...

Dude, I totally want to see that movie too!!! YOu are so lucky to get free tickets.