Sunday, June 28, 2009


Outside my window… I see clouds and the threat of rain. A typical 'summer' day in Edinburgh.

I am thinking… that I wish I would just feel better already, this cold is lingering...and I'm hungry.

I am thankful for… for the opportunity to Travel.

From the kitchen… I am thinking I will fry up some bacon.

I am wearing… sweats...yet to shower and change into real clothes today.

I am creating… cards! Making a set for my friend, Rebecca.

I am going… nowhere today! Well, maybe 2 mins away to Rebecca's to give her the cards.

I am reading… a Venice travel book

I am hoping… to feel better and get our Italy trip all sorted today.

I am hearing… Casino Royale in the background as Derek I get some things done.

Around the house… we need to clean and pack.

One of my favorite things… friends. I am thankful for the friends we have made here and had a great evening last night with a good group of them.

A few plans for the rest of the week… 1 day of work and then Italy for 10 days!

Tuesday, June 23, 2009


So I am back from Virginia after an amazing week with family and sunshine! Surprisingly Edinburgh is sunny and somewhat warm as well, Derek claims I brought it back as it apparently rained the whole time I was away. What can I say...?

Yesterday kicked off a crazy, insane week of work and today I am sick. The week I NEED to be at work I have fallen ill to the point where I can't think straight and must stay home. Going to work and forcing myself to stay all day probably didn't help. I am hoping that this day at home will heal me and I will be back on my feet tomorrow to continue the madness. Here's hoping!

Friday, June 05, 2009


Today I completed Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince. I wanted to reread it before the movie comes out in July. I decided to listen to it on audio this time around and it was wonderful. It occupied me for about 2 weeks on the bus to work, lunch break and bus ride home. It was a great distraction and has reignited my love for all things Harry Potter. Now I know the movie will not be nearly as good as the book, but I am still excited!!

And on a side note, one of my friends saw J.K Rowling walking around Edinburgh the other day. I forget that I live in the same city as her, I need to keep an eye out!

Thursday, June 04, 2009


It's amazing that with the longer days and nicer weather comes a busier schedule. I feel like I have been going nonstop and I am exhausted.

Tonight I am looking forward to spending the evening with my hubby and watching Season 2 of Survivor before another busy day begins in the morning....