Tuesday, April 26, 2005

One school year down

So as of last Friday Derek has officially completed his first year of Grad school at Regent. I just cannot believe that one school year is already complete. I still feel like we just moved here. Derek will still take a couple classes in spring and summer, but it will not be as intense as the past 8 months. At this rate, in order for Derek to complete his MCS, he should be done December 2006. He is estimating 2.5 school years. Derek is currently going to be looking for a summer job and he will look forward to serving on Student council next school year, helping out with the student forums.


Why is it that sunshine is THE most wonderful thing?! I mean really, it makes everyone happier, the days are longer, there are more people outside. It is just down right stinkin amazing! It also makes the lazy people want to get up off their butts and get outside and do something. It truly is great. I have found myself walking to places that aren't even that close and just yearning to be outside after just 5 minutes in my darn little dark basement suite. Especially in Vancouver when you are surrounded by beauty such as mountains and oceans and even the view of downtown is breath taking. When the sun comes out, everything is beautiful (except maybe the pre-tanned legs and thighs that are out there). I just had to comment on the sun, because we are being very spoiled by it here up north. I mean it is getting into the 20's here (celcius that is). The best part is, is that is is only April and we still have the rest of Spring and a whole summer ahead of us. Gee...it's fantabulous!! Enjoy the sun...wherever you are.

Wednesday, April 20, 2005

Just call me miss manager

Well, this afternoon I finally accepted the manager position at the coffee shop. I think it will be good. Yes we will be poor, but hey, what's new? All in all, it is slightly better money than what I am making now between all my jobs so I guess that's good. The ability to pay rent with just one pay check will be amazing (I get paid bi-monthly). The dream of having a savings account is slowly fading but I guess you gotta do what you gotta do, eh? Now, if Derek could find a part-time job, life would incredible. Keep your fingers and toes crossed and pray pray pray! My new job will officially start on May 16th and in the meantime I will be training and phasing out my nanny job. I will admit that I am slightly nervous just because there will be a lot to remember. But I think after a little bit of time, it will become second nature. We'll see. Wish me luck as I take on my next adventure!!!!

Photo page

So I decided to start a different blog to post only pictures on. The link is www.kbpics.blogspot.com or you can go to my profile and at the bottom of my profile you can click on the link "Katie's Photos" and it will take you right there. I will try to put some updated pics there but I don't have a lot since we don't have a digital camera. I will do my best. Enjoy!

Tuesday, April 19, 2005


Well, today at 1:46pm Derek and I became Aunt and Uncle...again. But we gained our first ever nephew. Derek's sister had her 2nd child today and we welcome Alejandro Luis Hernandez into the world. He weighed in at 8lbs. 8oz. and is 21 inches long. No complications and right on time. We plan to go see our new nephew in a couple weeks when we venture down to Portland for a visit. Can't wait!

Monday, April 18, 2005

To be or not to be...?

I was recently offered a promotion at work. They have asked me to be the manager of The Well (the coffee shop I work at). This is very exciting and kind of what I have been waiting for since I started working there. Though this job was offered a couple of weeks ago, I have not officially accepted the job yet. Allow me to explain why. This job would be awesome in so many ways, let me list the pros:
-It is at Regent, so I would be involved in the student life and get to see Derek
-Everyday you meet some great people
-It is super fun and every day is different
-I love coffee!
-Derek gets free coffee too!
-I would get to be in charge and involved in decision-making processes
-Derek and I have all the same Holidays
-I get 10 paid vacation days
-It’s laid back and easy (could be a Con too)
There is ONE thing that is not so good. The money. It is a small company so I understand that they can't afford to pay me much, but the amount that I am being offered would be hard to live on especially since we are a one-income family. Derek goes to school and I work. So whatever I make, is all we make. And not only that, but Vancouver is not a cheap place to live by any means. So all in all, it is a tough decision. I really want this job and know that I would do it well and it is just amazing to have the privilege to work at Derek’s school. If anything, that is what makes it all worth while. So a decision is to be made soon and I will keep you updated on the choice I make. Prayer and any thoughts would be wonderful and greatly appriciated.

Saturday, April 16, 2005


I have been reading a book called “Blue Like Jazz” by Donald Miller. Don writes about his thoughts on Christian Spirituality and his life experiences with that. This has been a book that I have enjoyed reading. It’s a great book to pick up as you climb into bed. Not something that has really broken down any walls, but definitely a book that makes you think about life a little bit. I sat down this morning with my cup of coffee to relax and read a chapter or two; I opened the book and the next chapter was entitled none other than “Money”. I struggle with money because I don’t have much of it and I am very protective of the amount I do have. Here I thought Don would probably talk about money is dumb and that living in this world, money is just something we all have to deal with. By no means did it cross my mind that he might talk about tithing. In the Bible it tells us that we are to give 10% of our income to God. This is tithing. I have always known this but have never actually done it. I have given a few dollars here and there to whatever church I was attending at the time but I have never given 10%. I always thought this would be something I would do when I was “grown-up” and making much more money. After all, giving 10% every month would leave me with even less money than I have now. Needless to say, I was convicted by this chapter and I admit that I felt/feel guilty.

When Derek and I got married we decided that we would tithe by supporting a child through Compassion International. While this has been great and we love doing it, it is not 10% of our income. If we made $280 a month, it would be, but luckily we make a tad bit more than that. Here is my dilemma in all of this. Though Derek and I attend a church, we are not actually members of this church. So is this who we would give our 10% to? Or would we give it to a charity? Support more children through Compassion? Or does it really matter who or how we give it? Is the important thing just to give? Though I admit that giving 10% will be hard, I think part of the problem has been that I have never actually been a member of a church and therefore have not felt compelled to give them my money. Is that awful? So I want to think about all of this and I hope to come to a conclusion and hope to be more faithful in my relationship with the Lord. Any thoughts are welcome. Thanks.

Just a little update

For those of you who don't know...here is a little update on my life. Currently, Derek and I are living in Vancouver, British Columbia and have been here since September 2004. We are here because Derek is pursuing his dream and is attending Regent College. Regent is a Graduate School of Christian Studies. Derek is going for a Masters in Christian Studies right now and it should take just over 2 years to complete. What will we do after that? God only knows and we are trusting in him to help us decide that. While here, I am just working and making sure the bills are paid. Right now I work at a Coffee Shop as a Barista. I work at the coffee shop located in Regent...which is great because it is only one bulding. So I get to meet all the students and see Derek too. I am also a nanny part time for twin boys, age 4. We have also met some incredible people here and are just loving that. It has been such a blessing to us to get know such wonderful people and it has made living in Canada just that much more bareable (love you guys!). Well, that is the short version of what we are up to. But now you know...in case you didn't ;) More to come...

Thursday, April 14, 2005

What's a Blog?

You might be asking "whats a blog", well believe it or not it is short for WEB LOG (is that one word or two?) Anyway, apparently it's the new thing and so I just HAD to have one. Am I behind in the times? Has everyone had one of these for years and I am just now learning of them. Anyhoo, I am here to blog away and to keep y'all updated on me, my husband, my life, my friends, oh canada and whatever else I feel like updating you on. Afterall it is my blog. Yippeee!