Tuesday, April 26, 2005


Why is it that sunshine is THE most wonderful thing?! I mean really, it makes everyone happier, the days are longer, there are more people outside. It is just down right stinkin amazing! It also makes the lazy people want to get up off their butts and get outside and do something. It truly is great. I have found myself walking to places that aren't even that close and just yearning to be outside after just 5 minutes in my darn little dark basement suite. Especially in Vancouver when you are surrounded by beauty such as mountains and oceans and even the view of downtown is breath taking. When the sun comes out, everything is beautiful (except maybe the pre-tanned legs and thighs that are out there). I just had to comment on the sun, because we are being very spoiled by it here up north. I mean it is getting into the 20's here (celcius that is). The best part is, is that is is only April and we still have the rest of Spring and a whole summer ahead of us. Gee...it's fantabulous!! Enjoy the sun...wherever you are.

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