Friday, October 07, 2005

Yay for a long weekend!

One thing that I love about Canada is that there is one holiday every month (except one I think), it's pretty great, cause not only do I get a day off, but I get paid for it! Gotta love stat holidays. This coming Monday is Canadian Thanksgiving. Something we experienced last year, but it's still just as odd. The Cramer's are having a big Thanksgiving potluck, so we are going to that and we will have turkey and all the fixins, just like in the states! I love Thanksgiving, and this year we get to celebrate it twice cause we are going home for American Thanksgiving. I am very much looking forward to the long weekend. So much so that tomorrow I am splurging and going to get a pedicure. I deserve it, right? I mean I do work on my feel 40+ hours a week. Well, regardless, it will be great!

Some highlights of the week:
*Worked 3 of 5 days without a lunch break -we've been so busy!
*Drank a little too much with the Raith's on thursday night
*Went running for a record time of 32 minutes (in the rain too!)
*Saw my boss in a towel -not on purpose...awkward
*Had our first SOS (or RSN) meeting -it was so great!
*Derek is sick...again
*The Cramer's got their phone hooked up-finally!
*I get a pedicure tomorrow!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Katie-I believe that there are no stat holidays in February, March (unless its Easter), April (again, unless it's Easter) and June. Just being a pest. Mostly cause I'm bored. -Grace