Monday, October 17, 2005

A new week...

Have you ever been so physically and emotionally exhausted that you can hardly stand? That's how last week was for me. It was a short week due to the Thanksgiving weekend which means you have to do 5 days worth of stuff in 4 days. So with working, evening events and meetings last week, I was pooped!! Getting up at 6am every day makes you tired. This past Saturday we went down to Bellingham for the day, we got back around 3ish and as soon as we got home I went to sleep until 6:00. It was an amazing and much needed nap. Then I went ahead and slept 9 hours on top of that. Oh, I love sleep. Why is it so great?!? Anyway, I am stoked that it is the beginning of a new week. I have hope and excitement for it and know it has to be better than last week. At least more restful if nothing else...