I am sitting here at The Well (at work) waiting for Derek to get out of class. He is out of class at 4:00 (I am off work at 3) and he has another class at 6:30. He has not started the paper and therefore does not want to "waste" time riding the bus home. So I am ever so graciously waiting for an hour for him to be done with class. Audrey doesn't mind though because I am keep her company while she is working.
Our trip on the train went well. The train ride was ever so long, I don't reccomend it if you are only going for a day. My back is still sore from sitting and slouching for 10+ hours (each way). But they do play movies on the train (a fact I was unaware of) and I did get to watch Herbie:Fully Loaded three, yes THREE times! Goodness. The wedding was sweet and it was great to see friends and fam while in Oregon for less than 48 hours.
This weekend we are off once again. We are going to the Regent retreat. Besides the fact that it costs money and too much money, I am very excited. I think this year will be even more fun that last year considering that fact that we know a lot more people and I just think it will be great. But this is hopefully our last weekend away for a while. We're tired.