Thursday, November 10, 2005


Wow, I am really getting lax on writing on my blog. Sorry. Life gets busy and I guess "writing on your blog" doesn't become a huge priority. But all is well here, just super busy. I'm tired.

So Yesterday I was supposed to go on a run with my friend Ansley at 4:45pm like usual. I got off work at 3 and then went to my other friend, Lara's, house to see her and her adorable 3 month old daughter, Sienna (check out this link to see the precious lamb). Anyway, after a long day at work I was hungry because I had hardley eaten a thing, and I was shakey from having recent coffee in my system that I consumed in hopes to get rid of an awful headache. Needless to say Iw as not so much in the mood for a run. On my way to Ansley I was thinking how I was going to tell her that I just don't think I could physically get myself running at that particular moment. But as I walked in the door she was ready to go and I so instead, I just warned her of my current state and off we went. We ended up running for almost 35 minutes! A personal best for me. Once I got running, it was amazing how the fresh, cool air cleared my headache and truly refreshed me. Despite the fact that my knees were killing me, it was a great run! Moral of the story: even if you are feeling sick and don't want to get up to exercise or run or whatever, do it anyway, cause you will be so glad you did. Goal: to remember that "refreshing" feeling everytime I try and justify away the fact that I should go for a run.

Have a great day!