Monday, November 14, 2005

Busy crazy life

So I just realized today that for the next 2 weeks, I don't have a single free night. It is kind of crazy and I feel a little overwhelmed by it, but the excitement overrides that. I have so much to look forward to. Allow me to tell you what I have going on:

Tomorrow/Tuesday: SOS small group (spouses of students) at my house.
Wednesday: RSN (Regent Spouses Network aka SOS) social event
Thursday: Babysit
Friday: Staff dinner at boss's house (good, yummy, FREE food!)
Saturday: Go see the new Herry Potter movie with friends
Sunday: My best friend, Jess, and her husband come into town!!!!!!!!
Monday: Jess and Justin still here.
Tuesday: Pack
Wednesday: In Eugene, Oregon with my sister and her husband (after leaving at 4am and spending the whole day in Portland seeing Derek's fam and getting my hair done!)
Thursday: American Thanksgiving
Friday: Still in Eugene with sister and fam
Saturday: Back in Portland hanging with Dan and Amanda at Mcmennamins (after a day at Derek's dads house having another Thanksgiving feast).
Sunday: Finally home!!!

That's some serious plans, I must say. But as you see, there is plenty to look forward to and I absolutely can't wait! Especially to see my best friend and to have a break from work! I am so ready for some days off.

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