Tuesday, November 22, 2005

On the road again

Tomorrow morning Derek and I leave for Oregon. I am so excited! I have been pacing around the house this afternoon not knowing what to do with myself because I am just waiting for the time to pass so we can wake up and hit the road. I am excited that we get to celebrate American Thanksgiving this year, it will be good to be home. And the cheap shopping....oh boy!
My best friend in the whole wide world came to visit me the past 3 days. It was a amazing! It was a short trip but so good and it was so nice to be with her and for us to finally get in some quality time together. There is nothing like it. Jess and I have been friends since our freshman year in high school and I am so thankful for her and for our friendship. Anyway, so her and her husband were here and we had a blast. We tried to show them a bot of Vancouver, but it has been so stinkin foggy that you can't see the mountains or the water or anything. We really do live in a beautiful place...you just can't tell right now. So Jess and Justin left today, it was sad to see them go :(

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