Tuesday, April 10, 2007

Happy Anniversary to ME!

Today, April 10th, marks the 1 year Anniversary of me working at the University of British Columbia. I remember my first day quite vividly just one year ago. I arrived at work early and no one was there so it was awkward as I stood in the hall waiting for an unknown person to arrive. It has been a journey and I can say that I am quite comfortable and quite happy at my current job. I have now been through the whole cycle of the school year which includes such things as: Award deadlines, new student orientation, course evaluations, admissions and more! My role as a Graduate Secretary has become part of my life and I am so thankful to have such a good job. Happy Anniversary to ME! :)

I actually wrote a post about my first days back in April 2006, read it here


Derek Brown said...

Congrats babe!

And thanks for putting food on the table for us.

audrey said...

i'd like a skim london fog with extra foam.