Monday, July 24, 2006

Happy Monday!

Woke up a little later than normal today...

Went to pack my lunch with yesterdays leftovers and it turned out that we took Grace's leftovers from the restaurant instead.

Had to get creative and pack another lunch. Bagels...again.

Derek spilled peanut butter oil all over himself while packing that back-up lunch.

Sprayed body spray on an open wound (accidentally), ouch!

They are filming yet another movie near my building today and the parking lot was full of trucks and catering vans, etc. Parking was a bit hectic.

And was only 10 minutes late to work!!

But I got a new skirt yesterday and got to wear it today! Yay!

On another note...we think our landlords are out of town, but didn't tell us. What the crap?!

11 days until NEW YORK CITY!!


Anonymous said...

grrr. I wrote you a comment and then it crapped out on me. if by any change a technology miracle occurred and you get 2 comments from me, please delete accordingly. :) The aforementioned comment said:

"Mmmmm. I have the best BBQ chicken pizza leftovers for lunch. I wish it was noon already so I could eat it NOW! Just kiddin', I won't eat your leftovers and I'm sorry they are in my fridge and not in your lunch. maybe tomorrow?"

Amber said...

Sounds like an awesome way to start your work week! I can't believe your going to New York City! THat's so cool, can't wait to see all the cool pics from that! Hopefully you'll get decent weather while you're there!