Thursday, April 20, 2006

computers, portland and finals

I was waiting to mzake a post until I got my pictures (from our trip to Portland) off my camera and I could put them on here. Sadly, 2 nights ago a shelf decided to fall off the wall and flat onto my computer and now is has decided not to work. Very fun...let me tell ya. So picture a photo of Jeff, Jess, and Derek getting into our little Subaru with JJ Bean coffee in hand as we begin our trip. That's the only picture I can remember taking.

Well, we went to Portland for Easter and were fortunate to have our friends Jeff and Jess join us for the drive (we dropped them off in Gresham where they have fam). Fortunaltey living in Canada we get Good Friday and Easter Monday as stat holidays so we had a 4-day weekend. Amazing! It was a crazy busy trip that consisted of visiting our best friends, my sister, Derek's entire family and having Easter brunch with Dan and Amanda as well as a Target run and a little too much coffee and alcohol. We had fun!

This week is Finals week for Derek or in other words "i don't have a husband" week. It's bitter sweet because on one hand I can just kind of do whatever I want with my week, come and go as I please and stay up late watching too much tv and scrapbooking. On the other hand because Derek is so busy and stressed, I am left do anything and everything when it comes to caring for us and our household (cook, clean, grocery shop, laundry, etc). It can be a bit stressful to come home after a long day of work and see the house that my husband has been in all day looking that same if not worse than it did when I left that morning. So last night at 11pm you would have found me scrubbing the shower and cleaning the bathroom. Stress me out! But after this week Derek will be a lot more free and I will hopefully feel like I have a husband again. We are planning a big fun date for Sunday night and I can't wait!!

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