Friday, April 28, 2006

gotta love gmail

So as you know, my computer at home is sick. We think we just need a new hard drive and problem solved. It will suck because I will loose all my info. But $60 for a new Hard drive or $1000 for a new computer. What do you think? Anyway, at home I had all my e-mail set-up in the Thunderbird mail program, which I love because you don't have open up your browser, go to the website and check your e-mail. You jusy open a pogram and they download right it. I use g-mail (google mail) as my main e-mail server and I am just loving it more and more each day. Since my computer has been sick I have been getting my e-mail old fashion way online. But something struck me today. Besides being great and organizing all your emails into conversations, it also never has those little regarding "re:" things in the title of your email. That is amazing and beautiful to me. In other email news. At work (for my work e-mail and such) they use Outlook express. It's fine, again it avoids having to go online and go to a website to retrieve your mail. But you cannot search for emails like you can in gmail. Which is so annoying and just today I have been looking for multiple past e-mails that could be anywhere and took 3 times as long to find them than it would have on gmail. Pretty much g-mail rocks. If you do not use g-mail, you should, and you need to be invited from a current g-mail member to join g-mail, so let me know and I can send you an invite! GO GOOGLE! That's all I have to say about that.

Wednesday, April 26, 2006

and life continues

Derek is officially done with his finals! He is now recovering and resting, poor guy. I have to admit though it has been quite nice to have him play the stay-at-home-husband role these past few days. He has made dinner every night this week so far and has done his best to keep on top of the housework. Now, if he could only birth us some children we would be set!!
Sunday night we decided to go out for a celebration dinner. We went to this great local Thai restuarant downtown and right on the water. It just so happen to be an amazingly beautiful, sunny day so we had a blast! Great scenery and great food complete with deep-fried bananas and coconut ice cream. On the way home we were going to stop and rent a movie when we drove by Rogers Video and noticed they were having a 'Mega Movie Sale' (or something like that). So we stopped and got 3 DVDs for 24 bucks! We were stoked. So we continued our evening with one of our very own movies. Things at the job are going well. I am slowly but surely learning my through. I am excited to know it all!

Thursday, April 20, 2006

computers, portland and finals

I was waiting to mzake a post until I got my pictures (from our trip to Portland) off my camera and I could put them on here. Sadly, 2 nights ago a shelf decided to fall off the wall and flat onto my computer and now is has decided not to work. Very fun...let me tell ya. So picture a photo of Jeff, Jess, and Derek getting into our little Subaru with JJ Bean coffee in hand as we begin our trip. That's the only picture I can remember taking.

Well, we went to Portland for Easter and were fortunate to have our friends Jeff and Jess join us for the drive (we dropped them off in Gresham where they have fam). Fortunaltey living in Canada we get Good Friday and Easter Monday as stat holidays so we had a 4-day weekend. Amazing! It was a crazy busy trip that consisted of visiting our best friends, my sister, Derek's entire family and having Easter brunch with Dan and Amanda as well as a Target run and a little too much coffee and alcohol. We had fun!

This week is Finals week for Derek or in other words "i don't have a husband" week. It's bitter sweet because on one hand I can just kind of do whatever I want with my week, come and go as I please and stay up late watching too much tv and scrapbooking. On the other hand because Derek is so busy and stressed, I am left do anything and everything when it comes to caring for us and our household (cook, clean, grocery shop, laundry, etc). It can be a bit stressful to come home after a long day of work and see the house that my husband has been in all day looking that same if not worse than it did when I left that morning. So last night at 11pm you would have found me scrubbing the shower and cleaning the bathroom. Stress me out! But after this week Derek will be a lot more free and I will hopefully feel like I have a husband again. We are planning a big fun date for Sunday night and I can't wait!!

Wednesday, April 12, 2006

New Beginnings

It is official! I have finised at The Well and have about completed my first week with SCARP. I am really enjoying it and know that it will only get better. I am in the very beginnings stages so there is still tons to learn. I think I will enjoy working in/for a school. My official title is 'PhD Secretary' at the School of Community and Regional planning. I work on the 4th floor all the way on the opposite end of campus from where Regent is located. I am not going to let myself be lazy and ride the elevator up to the 4th floor so I have to climb the stairs. But yesterday I counted and there are 12 flights of stairs leading to the 4th floor.'s a workout. And this week I have probably avergaged about 8 times aday going up and down those stairs. My butt better look great in a couple months! Anyway, I took some pictures of my last day at The Well (they thre me a little party at the end of my last day) and I forgot to take a picture of my first day of work so I took a pic of me on my 3rd day of work. You can see the pics on my picture blog here.

Monday, April 03, 2006

Friends from home

The past two weekends in a row we had friends from Oregon come and visit us. First, Adam and Katy. Then Dan and Amanda. Adam and Dan are both great friends of Derek's and through that I have also become great friends with them as well as their beautiful new wives. We had so much fun with both couples. A few of the things we did: JJ Bean, Stanley Park, Lou's, Incendio, watched "The Corporation" and had some great conversations. Dan and Amanda inspired and encouiraged Derek and I to live more organically and naturally. So we are going to give it a try. We bought a book called "Worms eat my garbage" and we are going to start a worm bin very soon. I am very excited. We are also going to try and buy a lot more organic food and such. It is all a bit overwhelming but I can't wait to get serious about it. Where to start...?

Derek with Adam and Katy at Stanley Park

Katy and I doing a shot at Lou's

Dan and Derek at Stanley Park

Us with Dan and Amanda at an Organic restaurant called Aphrodite's

Yay for friends....I miss home.