Tuesday, December 13, 2005

J.I. and I

Eventhough J.I. Packer is a professor at Regent and I often see him wondering the halls. I have never had the honor of serving him coffee. Until last Friday... He came to The Well with a friend to get some coffee. He said he wanted a really strong cup of coffee (thata boy J.I.!!). So I asked him if he wanted a stronger flavour or if he wanted stronger caffiene. I told him that the dark roast has more flavour and the medium roast has more caffiene. He chose the dark. He was curious about why the medium roast has more caffiene. I went on to explain to him that the longer a coffee bean is roasted the more caffiene escapes from it. Despite the stronger taste, the darker it is the less caffiene it has. He was intrigued and said in his cute little old man voice "you learn something new every day". I can forever hold onto the fact that I, just a little barista in Vancouver taught something to J.I. Packer!!!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Thata girl, Katie!