Tuesday, November 22, 2005

On the road again

Tomorrow morning Derek and I leave for Oregon. I am so excited! I have been pacing around the house this afternoon not knowing what to do with myself because I am just waiting for the time to pass so we can wake up and hit the road. I am excited that we get to celebrate American Thanksgiving this year, it will be good to be home. And the cheap shopping....oh boy!
My best friend in the whole wide world came to visit me the past 3 days. It was a amazing! It was a short trip but so good and it was so nice to be with her and for us to finally get in some quality time together. There is nothing like it. Jess and I have been friends since our freshman year in high school and I am so thankful for her and for our friendship. Anyway, so her and her husband were here and we had a blast. We tried to show them a bot of Vancouver, but it has been so stinkin foggy that you can't see the mountains or the water or anything. We really do live in a beautiful place...you just can't tell right now. So Jess and Justin left today, it was sad to see them go :(

Monday, November 14, 2005

Busy crazy life

So I just realized today that for the next 2 weeks, I don't have a single free night. It is kind of crazy and I feel a little overwhelmed by it, but the excitement overrides that. I have so much to look forward to. Allow me to tell you what I have going on:

Tomorrow/Tuesday: SOS small group (spouses of students) at my house.
Wednesday: RSN (Regent Spouses Network aka SOS) social event
Thursday: Babysit
Friday: Staff dinner at boss's house (good, yummy, FREE food!)
Saturday: Go see the new Herry Potter movie with friends
Sunday: My best friend, Jess, and her husband come into town!!!!!!!!
Monday: Jess and Justin still here.
Tuesday: Pack
Wednesday: In Eugene, Oregon with my sister and her husband (after leaving at 4am and spending the whole day in Portland seeing Derek's fam and getting my hair done!)
Thursday: American Thanksgiving
Friday: Still in Eugene with sister and fam
Saturday: Back in Portland hanging with Dan and Amanda at Mcmennamins (after a day at Derek's dads house having another Thanksgiving feast).
Sunday: Finally home!!!

That's some serious plans, I must say. But as you see, there is plenty to look forward to and I absolutely can't wait! Especially to see my best friend and to have a break from work! I am so ready for some days off.

Thursday, November 10, 2005


Wow, I am really getting lax on writing on my blog. Sorry. Life gets busy and I guess "writing on your blog" doesn't become a huge priority. But all is well here, just super busy. I'm tired.

So Yesterday I was supposed to go on a run with my friend Ansley at 4:45pm like usual. I got off work at 3 and then went to my other friend, Lara's, house to see her and her adorable 3 month old daughter, Sienna (check out this link to see the precious lamb). Anyway, after a long day at work I was hungry because I had hardley eaten a thing, and I was shakey from having recent coffee in my system that I consumed in hopes to get rid of an awful headache. Needless to say Iw as not so much in the mood for a run. On my way to Ansley I was thinking how I was going to tell her that I just don't think I could physically get myself running at that particular moment. But as I walked in the door she was ready to go and I so instead, I just warned her of my current state and off we went. We ended up running for almost 35 minutes! A personal best for me. Once I got running, it was amazing how the fresh, cool air cleared my headache and truly refreshed me. Despite the fact that my knees were killing me, it was a great run! Moral of the story: even if you are feeling sick and don't want to get up to exercise or run or whatever, do it anyway, cause you will be so glad you did. Goal: to remember that "refreshing" feeling everytime I try and justify away the fact that I should go for a run.

Have a great day!