Derek and I have a thing, you know, a thing that we like to do, that makes us us. I think that thing is coffee shops. To us, there is nothing better than a good coffee shop (and yes, there are bad coffee shops). Whether we bring a book to read, do the daily crossword puzzle or just sit and chat, we absolutley love it! We have been to loads of coffee shops in our day and have begun the search for the good ones here in Vancouver. We have seen all the ones in our surrounding area and neighborhood so this morning we headed East and traveled all the way over to Commercial Drive where we went to one of the many JJ Bean Coffee Shops. One thing I love about Vancouver Coffee Shops is that a lot of them have big front windows that completely open up like garage doors. So though you are enjoying your coffee with a roof over your head, you are practically sitting outside. And on a day like today when it is 25 degress out (that's about 75 degrees for you Americans), it is so incredible. Gosh, such a passion for coffee shops. Derek and I could Coffee shop hop all day long and be totally satisfied. We are going to begin exploring a new coffee shop every Saturday morning and I will let you know what we find. This morning was JJ Bean on Commercial Drive, next Saturday...only time will tell.
As you see, coffee is not only important to us, it is a way of life and we are so happy to live in a world full of it! Get into it if you aren't already and I encourage you to find the best coffee shops in your town ;)