Wednesday, May 25, 2005

It's begun

I am officially in week two of my new manger position at The Well. Besides a few fun and not so exciting dramatic events last week, all is going well. This week things are going much more smooth and I am actually enjoying it. It really doesn't feel much different or anything, I just have to be a little more responsible and I can no longer say "oh, just ask Lara". But the hardest things for me has been having to work at 7am 3-4 times a week. I just can't seem to get myself to bed early enough in order to actually get a good amount of sleep. Needless to say, I am dragging and I am pretty tired. Things will get better and I will get used to the schedule and the most important thing is that I do my job well. So watch out world...I'm in charge!!! ;)

P.S. I am sad to report that Jennifer Garner and the movie crew has moved onto a different location to continue shooting and I was never fortunate enough to actually see her. My life is over.

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