Monday, August 21, 2006

The cute kidos that surround me in one way or another

I just wanted to give special mention to the cute kidos that surround my life in one way or another. I didn't ask permission, but stole pics from their blogs :) Hope ya'll don't mind.

Cute Baby Sam, son of Chris and Jenni, friends from Bend.
I am yet to meet this little guy, as he is just a month old, but
soon I hope.

Precious Sienna, daughter of Jeff & Lara. They have
recently moved from Vancouver to New York and I
miss them dearly. Sienna just had her 1st bday! Yay!

Zach and Conner, sons of Amber and Asa. Amber
and I have recently touched base again and have become
great friends via email, etc. I have not met her boys, but
they sure are cute. And #3 is on the way!

This is the futre baby Reimer, son or daughter of
Jeff & Jess who will be born in January! Yay!

Amy and Naomi, daughters of Ger and Lizzie
who used to be our landlords and are fellow
Regent folk and good friends. They're getting so big!

And these are my nieces, Bella and Maici.
My big brother's daughters, they are growing
up way too fast!

Hope you enjoyed all the kids. They have all touched my life in one way or another and as you know, I love kids! So much fun to see them grow and change and watch their parents grow as well. What an amazing thing. And oh so cute!

1 comment:

Amber said...

Very cute! Love the pics! Espicially of course my two boys!