So Derek and I have moved to a new place...yay! We love it. Allow me to give you our crazy schedule of events that has made this move a bit on the stressful side...
Tuesday, feb 21: Go look at basement suite and love it
Wednesday, feb 22: Tell old Landlords we're moving (quite sad)
Thursday, feb 23: Old Landlords find someone to move in asap
Friday, feb 24: start packing
Sat, sun, mon: pack, pack, pack
Tuesday, feb 28: start moving
Wednesday, march 1: move completely out of old place
So basically what this all means is that we found a place and moved all in about a week. Ahhh! Needless to say, Derek and I are a bit exhausted. But it is all worth it because we love our new place. It is beautiful, new and has an amazing kitchen. You should come over!
In other news, my mom is coming to visit me today and will stay for a week. I am very excited. I am going to take her over to Victoria this weekend. She should be here soon :)
**A little shout out to Aud-dawg**