Friday, August 31, 2007

such a whirlwind

I am sitting on the floor at my friends Jess & Jeff's house in Chicago. The time is 11:44pm but my computer clock still says 9:44pm, it is 2 hours ahead here. My mind is in a fog as so much has happened the past few days. We have said goodbye to our family who were more emotional than I thought they would be and I can't help but feel guilty. We are in Chicago with our friends which we have been waiting for and which means that in a few days we will be in our new home in Scotland. It is pretty unbelievable. Looking back on all the goodbyes that we have literally been saying for about 5 weeks now, is all a blur. I know it will catch up and I can already start to feel my emotions getting stronger and I am not quite sure what to do with that at this point. We spent the evening reminiscing with the Reimers about time in Vancouver and all our amazing friends and I am aching for us all to be back together again. This time is exciting and I cannot wait to arrive in our new home and get settled, but it is also hard to leave behind the life that you have known.

But for now we will enjoy our stay in Chicago with Jess, Jeff & Charlie (he is so big you guys!).


lucashannon said...

Enjoy your time with the Reimers...give them all big hugs for me. :) And don't's ok to get're moving to Scotland!!! :)

Shelley said...

Katie! I didn't realize you were still posting here! Just thought I'd wander by and here you are, 3 posts in a row!

I agree with Shannon ... I love the new Brown perspective, but your Katie perspective is just a little different and could be a place to post about more "you" things. Maybe I just can't get enough of you, that's possible, between facebook ... email ... (hopefully ichat!) ... blogs ... anything else? Ha ha!

Have a wonderful Chicago style day with the Reims! Hello Reims!!!

Anonymous said...

oh man, i miss all you guys so much! I want to cry!!!

Amber said...

You've been crazy busy in August so it's no wonder everything is in a bit of a blur! It was good to see you though, wish it lasted longer!