Monday, October 09, 2006

What a weekend! I had a blast and it went by waaaay too fast. I posted 3 new posts on my picture blog, for your viewing pleaseure. Those pictures will describe my weekend better than I can. It was amazing!

Oh yeah and in just 5 very short days I will be running my first 10k...oh man!!! I signed up and I am jazzed to do it, I am, however, not very excited about running it alone. My friend Levi was supposed to run it with me but he has been sick and doesn't think he will be better in time or in the right shape to run. So I guess I will be at it alone (anyone wanna join me?!?). This makes me nervous as I am a much better runner when I have someone beside me, but I have paid the fee and my name is on the list, so there is no backing down now. Plus I figure that I have got to start somewhere if I ever want to really be a runner. I'll keep you posted.


Amber said...

Good luck on your race! That's awesome that you're doing that. I know I'm gonna sound like a big dork but how many miles is 10k? I don't know :-) Is Derek gonna be there to take pics of you?

Anonymous said...

I loved last night and I loved the pictures. It worked fine with picasa other than I had to do a little working to get them only my iPhoto but I figured it out. :)